- #Make image to outlines for label in photojob manuals
- #Make image to outlines for label in photojob skin
Use the same technique you used for your nose to add a few shadows (perhaps add an even heavier blur to make it more subtle.) For my cartoon, I added shadows above the chin on my face, and below the chin on my neck. Go back to the original picture and make a note of where the shadows fall on your face. Why not just do the whole face this way? It really doesn’t look much like a cartoon if you do the whole face like this, but I’d suggest you to utilize this method for any features you have trouble with. If you want, keep a little bit of the shadow right above the lips, I though this added some nice depth.
#Make image to outlines for label in photojob skin
Use the erase tool to get rid of any excess skin color, so that all that is shown are the beginning of the red lips. Once this is done, insert the image into your working file. I used Brush Size 8, Brush Detail 9 and Texture 1. So I went back to the original picture, used the lasso tool to cut out just my lips, and then applied a dry brush filter (Filer->Artistic->Dry Brush). It always looked a bit off when I tried to outline it using the pen tool. I found the mouth to be the trickiest part. For the top part of the nose, do the same thing but with a lighter skin tone. Add a Gaussian blur at a 3.0 radius to smooth it out to make it look more like a shadow. Then use the paint brush tool to outline the lower part of the nose. For the nose, select the eyedropper tool to get a shadow color from the photograph. Step 3) Create the nose, mouth, and add a few shadows. It actually looks kind of wierd if you leave this part out. I added a little white circle in the middle, which creates a little glare. For the eyes, use the pen tool to create the white space, the brown circles, and the eye pupil. Next, set the color to your hair tone, and use the pen tool to go around the outline of your hair. Step 2) Once you have the outline complete, color the entire space (or just the skin area if you want to be more meticulous) a beige color. If you have difficulty with a the freehand brush, hold down shift so that your lines are more smooth. Create a new layer, and label it “outline.” In the new layer, begin to outline the features of your face, as seen below. The key is to create new layers, and hide completed layers while you work so that you can refer back to the original photo image. It will help you determine where to place each part of the face as well as shadows. You’ll continually reference this picture as you create your cartoon. Step 1) First, take a picture of yourself that has a nice big shot of your face. If you are impatient like me, you can scroll to the bottom to view the final product.

In celebration of this, I’ve decided to post some of the techniques I used in creating the final image.
#Make image to outlines for label in photojob manuals
I’m fairly new to Photoshop, so this was my first attempt at creating something from scratch without referencing online manuals and tutorials. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders.